Process Overview: POS



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The Point of Sale facility is a quick and easy method of selling stock from the inventory model.
Each sale accepts the method of payment as cash, cheque, credit card, customer account or gift voucher.
The End of Sales process batches the sales from each Cash Drawer Number and updates the general Ledger module for financial reporting.
Integration after the sales processing has occurred, includes the Debtors module for sales placed on a customer account and the inventory module for sales history reporting.





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flow_EOD activities (brown)

flow_reporting activities (brown)





Advanced User Information


ICE V2.30 Update
Credit Warning Messages in Point of Sale
The Credit Warnings only appear when the nominated days have elapsed and there are invoices that are not fully allocated.
The forms where the Customer Warning messages are displayed:
AR Invoice/Credits
AR Banking
Service Logging - new service job
Non-invoice Parts
POS Payment


POS Payment Types
As the POS Payment Types are hard coded, it is now not possible to be able to insert new POS Payment Types (only edit) in:
Admin > Set Up > General > POS Payment Types.  


Reprint POS Docket
Provides the ability to reprint a POS docket without going into POS.
This can be accessed in two ways:
A Speed Button - btn_POS_Reprint_Docket
A menu option - Accounting > Point of Sale > Reprint Docket
ICE V2.21 Update
POS System Defaults
System Default > Branches > POS > General POS Setup (2):
Removed the group called "Previous Sales Access Password:" on the right hand side of the form.
System Default > Branches > POS > POS Docket & Security:
Moved the group called "Request Password on:" to the right hand side of the form.
Renamed option called "Returns" to "Previous sale Access" on the right hand side of the form.


POS and invoicing transactions use the FIFO method for non-serialised stock items and a serialised selection method for serialised stock items..
General Ledger postings for stock/non-stock items cannot be changed during POS processing.
Users cannot create a sale without selecting an active stock/non-stock item.

Exception: If an item has been set to inactive in the masterfile, but has a quantity on hand, the item will be available in POS until the quantity is reduced to zero.
For example – this allows  the selling of remaining stock of an item that is not to be restocked

Option to restrict sale of stock on hand is set in System Defaults at the Company level.
POS Access Codes are optional and set in System Defaults at the Company level.
When POS Access Codes are being used, the Sales Person default is based on POS Access Code and can be changed.
When POS Access Codes are not being used, the Sales Person default is based on login.
Access Codes and Password can restrict the following functionality:
Return Lines
Return Transactions
Open Drawer


In POS entry each time there is a insert, edit, or delete attempt on the header or line, the system checks that the user is same as the user that created the original transaction.

a.   If so, then the process continues as normal

b.  If not, then a message is displayed -  "Warning, this transaction was created by << UserNAME >> for drawer << Drawer Name >> proceeding with this transaction may result in data loss."
In addition if the transaction has not been updated, the following to message is added - "The transaction has not been completed and therefore may still be being used."

The ICE Database Administrator application is used to setup user level Security Settings for the following functionality:
Can see all Pending Transactions
Can modify Unit Sell Price
Admin Setup is used to setup whether POS Payment Types are displayed.
System Defaults at the Branch level is used to setup the details required for each POS Payment Type. (These Payment Type should not be edited)
Pending POS transactions can only exist for 1 financial Year at a time. End of Day needs to be processed before the End of Year rollover.

Page Filename : pos_pos.htm