Instructions : POS Payment Types


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1: Access POS Payment Types


ICE Main Screen

1. Use the menu path:

Admin ð Setup ð General ð POS Payment Types



2: Select POS Payment Types


POS Payment Types

1. On the Browse tab, select POS Payment Type to be reviewed.



Click btn_Edit Row button to edit the selected POS Payment Type
Click btn_Insert Row (+) button to  add a new POS Payment Type
Click btn_Delete Row (-) button to delete the selected POS Payment Type
Click btn_Post Edits (tick) button to apply the edits
Click btn_Cancel Edits (X) button to cancel edits




3: Review Details


POS Payment Types

1. On the Details tab, review selected POS Payment Type.

2. Click btn_OK button or press Enter key to close window



Page Filename : pos_pos_payment_types_instructions.htm