Overview : Processing Import Exceptions

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Additional Exceptions

Additional exceptions may be displayed that were not previously included in the Pre Process Exception report.  These additional exceptions can be allocated and are not the same as the allocation exceptions included in the Pre-Process Exception report.


The additional exceptions include such items as:

Retrospective (Schedule differences)


These payments or clawbacks can be allocated against connections without exception, however there is something about the allocation that should be brought to your attention.  The Auto Adjustment Selection provides the opportunity to perform adjustments on the connections to resolve the outstanding balances at the same time as allocating the payments.


Below is a quick reference chart on each of the allocation and additional exceptions that may be included in the Auto Adjustment Exception list.


Each exception reason is explained in further detail following the quick reference chart.


Quick Reference Chart - Adjustment Reasons & Auto Adjustment Options



Reasons for the exception

Recommended Auto Adjustment Option



Connection Entry Error


Investigate with Allocation - to allocate the payment and report in a separate section of the final import report.  Manually adjust the connection details outside of the payment process to ensure connection activity reporting is also correct.




Zero Balance Adjustment – to allocate the payment and adjust remaining balance to zero.  Financials and GST will be increased with and overpayment adjustment.  Connection details will not be altered and connection activity reporting may not be accurate.


Incorrect payment by Telstra


Allocate without Adjustment – to allocate payment and wait for clawback.




Zero Balance Adjustment – to allocate the payment and adjust remaining balance to zero.  When clawback is received another adjustment will be required.



Connection Entry Error

Investigate with allocation - to allocate the payment and report in a separate section of the final import report.  Manually adjust the connection details outside of the payment process to ensure connection activity reporting is also correct.




Zero Balance Adjustment – to allocate the payment and adjust remaining balance to zero.  Financials and GST will be reduced with an underpayment adjustment.  Connection details will not be altered and connection activity reporting may not be accurate.

Separate payment amounts for additional services

Allocate without Adjustment – to allocate payment, any differences should be resolved outside the payment import process in the Adjustments menu option.

Incorrect payment by Telstra

Allocate without Adjustment – to allocate payment and claim outstanding balance.




Zero Balance Adjustment – to allocate the payment and adjust remaining balance to zero.  Financials and GST will be reduced with an underpayment adjustment.  The outstanding balance will be zero and not available for inclusion in a claim submission.

Pre-Expiry Recontract

No paperwork to verify the expiry date was outside the contract expiry period.

Zero Balance Adjustment – to allocate the payment and adjust remaining balance to zero.  Financials and GST will be reduced.

Paperwork available to verify the incorrect expiry date was entered in ICE.

Zero Balance Adjustment – to allocate the payment and adjust remaining balance to zero.  Financials and GST will be reduced.

Paperwork available to verify the correct expiry date was entered in ICE.

Allocate without Adjustment – to allocate payment and claim outstanding balance.

Missing Component

Connection Entry Error

Add component without Adjustment - to create the missing revenue component, allocate the payment to the component, leaving a balance outstanding as an overpayment.  Once the import has finished, adjust the Connection Details to reflect the correct connection information from the paperwork.




Add Component and Adjust to Zero”- to create the missing revenue component, allocate the payment to the component and adjust the balance to zero.  Creates a revenue journal increasing income in the financial reports and GST.  It does NOT fix the connection details that were entered incorrectly.

Incorrect payment by Telstra

Add component without Adjustment - to create the missing revenue component, allocate the payment to the component, leaving a balance outstanding as an overpayment to wait for clawback.

No Connection

Connection Entry Error - Service number entered incorrectly.

Allocate without Adjustment -  This will not allocate during the final import due to the unknown service number. It will remain an exception and be reported in the final import report.   After the import edit non-financial details using Connection Adjustments.  The payment allocation will then need to be made manually through Payment Processing – Allocations.

Connection Entry Error - Contract not entered

Allocate without Adjustment -  This will not allocate during the final import due to the unknown service number. It will remain an exception and be reported in the final import report. After the import enter the contract normally through POS. The payment allocation will then need to be made manually through Payment Processing – Allocations.

Incorrect payment by Telstra

No Connection without Adjustment - to create revenue components with a zero balance for each revenue component type, allocate the payment to the appropriate revenue component and leave a balance outstanding, similar to an overpayment waiting for a clawback.




No Connection with Adjustment - to create revenue components with a zero balance for each revenue component type, allocate payment to the appropriate revenue component, adjust the balance to zero.  This will create a revenue journal increasing income in the financial reports and GST.



Zero Balance Adjustment - to allocate the clawback to the connection, adjust the remaining balance (difference) to zero.  Creates revenue journal decreasing income in financial reports and GST.




Investigate with Allocation - this will allocate the clawback to the connection, however in the final import report the allocation will be listed in a separate section of the report for easy identification of the connections that need to be investigated after the import has finished.  Once the import has finished, it is recommended that the connection be investigated and if the clawback is valid a Zero Balance adjustment will be required using Connection Adjustments (from the main menu outside the payment import process).  If the clawback is not valid it should be included in a claim submission.

Clawback of Previous Payment error

Zero Balance Adjustment - to allocate the clawback to the connection, adjust the remaining balance (difference) to zero.  Creates revenue journal decreasing income in financial reports and GST.


Connection Date Entry Error - ICE connection date does not match the paperwork.

Zero Balance Adjustment - to allocate the payment and adjust the balance to zero.  Creates a revenue journal reducing income in the financial reports and GST. Whilst the balance outstanding will now be correct, the contract date in ICE will NOT be altered by this adjustment option;




Investigate with Allocation - to allocate the payment to the connection, final import report will list the allocation separately.  After the import change the contract date using Connection Adjustments, the connection adjustment should resolve the difference between the payment and the expected balance and fix the connection details for accurate connection reporting.

Schedule Import Timing Issue - typically for rebates

Zero Balance Adjustment - to allocate the payment to the connection, adjust the remaining balance to zero.  Creates revenue journal either increasing or decreasing income in the financial reports and GST.

Product Not Found For Service Number

Connection Plan Entry Error

Investigate with Allocation - to allocate the payment, the allocation will be listed separately in the final import report.  After the import use Connection Adjustments to change the connection details to match the paperwork.  The connection adjustment should resolve the difference between the payment and the expected balance;




Zero Balance Adjustment - to allocate the payment  and adjust the balance to zero.  This will create a revenue journal increasing or decreasing income in the financial reports and GST.    Whilst the balance outstanding will now be correct, the connection details will NOT be altered by this adjustment option.

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Allocate without Adjustment - If the there is no difference between the payment and the amount outstanding. To allocate the payment to the connection there will be no balance outstanding after the allocation.




Zero Balance Adjustment - If the there is a difference between the payment and the outstanding amount.  To allocate the payment to the connection and after the allocation adjust the balance to zero.  Creates a revenue journal either increasing or reducing income in the financial reports and GST.

Manual Payments & Usage

Manual Payments and Usage will be listed in the Import Exception list, however there is no action required for these items.





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