Instructions : Mobile Phone Batching


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Activity Stages




1: Reconcile Daily Connection Report


1.As Mobile Phone connections are processed throughout the day, the connection forms should be placed in the appropriate slot under the front counter.
2.Print Daily Connections Report from entering the date as the daily range
3.Check all connections forms have been processed in the ICE System and are listed on the report.
4.Connections not entered in ICE need to be processed before continuing the batching process and before finalising POS End of Day
5.All Mobile Phone Connections, including $0.00 sales, must be entered in POS.



2: Check for Data Entry or Contract Errors


1.Mobile Phone Number must be exactly the same and without spaces between the digits
2.Connection Plan entered in ICE must match the plan selected on the contract
3.Customer name and signature must be on the form and match the customer details entered in ICE
4.If details are incorrect adjustments to the connection should be corrected in the Connections Module.






Page Filename : pos_pos_mobile_phone_batching_instructions.htm