WI - Add Stock to Loan Location

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Instructions : Add Stock to Loan Location


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plus Activity Stages

Click on the required tab above or scroll down


Goods Received/Returned Method


Transfers Method


plus Objectives

Following are the objectives of these instructions:

To add equipment to the LOAN location for the store, so it can be used as a loan in a repair order



Any equipment to be used as a loan for a repair, needs to be added to the LOAN location for that store.


Two methods for adding equipment to the LOAN location of the store are:

Goods Received/Returned



1: Goods Received/Returned Method


ICE Main Screen

1. Use the menu path:

Operations ð Inventory ð Transactions ð Goods Received/Returned

2. Follow normal process for adding stock into the LOAN location





2: Transfers Method


ICE Main Screen

1. Use the menu path:

Operations ð Inventory ð Transactions ð Transfers

2. Follow normal process for transferring stock into the LOAN location



Page Filename : pos_re_add_stock_to_loan_location_instructions.htm