Update Insert

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Update Insert

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Inserting Records

There are four methods of inserting records within the system:

Standard Insert

Insert Dialogue for Master Files

Access to insert from another window

Inserting a line in a transaction – refer to section on ‘Working with Transaction Windows’ for full details.


Standard Insert



Use F9 or embim82  Insert function button (green plus icon) to insert a new record into a table as shown in screenshot on the left.


The fields will turn green and the user is required to enter the record details.


To accept the record details click on the ‘green tick’ embim83 or press F10.


To reject the insert click on the ‘green cross’ embim84  or press F11.



Insert Dialog for Master Files



Use F9 or embim86  Insert function button (green plus icon) to insert a new record into a master file.


Minimum information required for a master file record is captured when inserting a new record on an insert ‘dialog box’ as shown in the Customer example in screenshot on the left.


The basic details are entered and when complete click on the OK button to accept the insert, or click on the Cancel button to reject the insert.


All windows behind the ‘dialog box’ are inaccessible until the ‘dialog box’ is closed.





When the insert is accepted, using the OK button, the master file is displayed in edit mode (yellow) as shown in the screenshot on the left.


The data entered on the insert dialog box is created when the insert was accepted and the record is re-opened in edit mode to indicate that other tabs may require additional information.


Inserting a record from another window



Certain search fields or drop down search lists allow the user to add records to the table.  These tables would normally be accessed via the main menu and relevant menu item, however a quick key has been provided for convenience.


Ensure the cursor is located in the search field and press F7 function key or Ctrl-G.


When activated the relevant window will be displayed on top of the window and this will be the active window until it has been closed with either OK or Cancel button, as shown in screenshot on the left.


Insert records as per the standard insert or master file insert method.


When complete click on the OK button, this will save any unsaved data and return the focus to the original window, the new record/s will be available as a search option.


Searching a record from another window


Searching a record from another window can also be accessed in a similar way by using F8 or Ctrl-R.


When in the search form normal search functions apply, when the required record is located click on the select button at the lower right of the window and the selected record will be placed in the field where the search was activated.



Inserting a record in a transaction header



Each transaction has a header and detail lines.

To insert a new transaction header press Shift-F9 or click the embim90  insert function button a header record is created as shown in screenshot on the left.

To accept the header, press Shift-F10 or the green tick embim91


To cancel an insert of a header press Shift + F11 or press the green cross embim92 function button.



Using the Shift with the function keys, forces the function key to work with the header regardless of where the cursor is located.



Inserting a record in a transaction line



Once the header has been saved, ensure the cursor is in the details grid to begin inserting lines for the transaction.


To insert a new transaction line header, press F9 and a new line is created as shown in screenshot on the left.


Enter details and press F10 to save


To cancel an insert of a line press F11



The Apply button will also save the insert of a transaction line, and will leave the window open for additional items.

The function buttons embim94 , embim95 and embim96 are NOT AVAILABLE for use with transaction lines.

The keyboard function keys F9, F10, F11 ARE USED with transaction lines.



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