Overview: Additional Services



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To provide additional services with a contract or recontract for a mobile phone connection





Advanced User Information


Additional Service Scenarios only apply to Mobile Connections
They are applicable for both New Contracts and Recontracts
There is no stock Item involved in additional Service
More than one additional services can be added
Each Additional Service is a Contract between Telstra and the Customer
Each Additional Service will have a Unique Telstra Product Code from the Telstra Service Schedules
Rebates & Incentive from Telstra for these Additional Services are in the Service Schedules
Additional Services are linked to a Connection, (i.e. Customer & Mobile Number)
Additional Services could raise a Rebate and/or an Incentive
Rebates and incentives are paid through the connections payment process
Revenues through Additional Services must use the same Revenue Accounts as standard connection scenarios and as specified in the service schedules.


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